

Clubul Cultural Roman continua activitatea si cauta noi aderenti.


RomClub is the Romanian Cultural Club of Melbourne, Australia.

We are a group of enthusiasts dedicated to preserving vestiges of the culture which created us and our ancestors, in the belief that diversity is served by originality and integration.

We are Australians and contribute fully to our rich society, but we are also Romanians, contributors to the gene pool and the intricate tapestry of this society with the traditions, beliefs, experiences and aspirations we bring with our roots. We preach understanding and melding while keeping alive our language and culture, to pass on to the new generations. We try to keep open a link with ancestral Europe, while finding ways to make our history count in the making of a new Australian identity.

We participate in the Romanian Broadcasting Group, with a  weekly radio programme that adheres to the same principles. It is our main activity in the pursuit of these goals, but we also organise meetings, film previews and cultural shows with Romanian guest artists.

These pages aim to inform and offer some resources to visitors from any part of the world, interested in our dual identity, and to act as a bridge in our community.

As volunteers, we act and respond as we can, within the limits of our resources and time.


  • ON AIR
(salveaza fisierul show.ram pe desktop apoi ruleaza-l de acolo)